- #How to install package in r from github how to
- #How to install package in r from github software
- #How to install package in r from github code
- #How to install package in r from github download
Go to File > New Project, select create a new project from an Existing Directory and create the project.Ĭ) Create a new project based on a remote Git repository: Select File > New Project. If you already know which online repository you want to use for your projects, option c) is more convenient.ī) Create a new project from a folder under version control: In this case you only need to create a new RStudio project for that directory and version control is automatically enabled. In order to push to a remote repository later on you add that remote repository by using the Git shell. There are three ways to create version control for a RStudio project.Ī) Create a new project and create a local Git repository: Select File > New Project., create a project from a New Directory and check the option Create a git repository. Git config -global user.email 2: Create a new RStudio project with Git git config -global user.name 'yourGitHubUsername' Go to Tools > Shell to open the Git Shell to tell Git your username and GitHub email. User name and email needs to be set only once. You can directly open the Git prompt from within RStudio.
Setup Git: Configure Git and set your user name and email (the email address you used to register on GitHub).
#How to install package in r from github download
Optional Git clients: SourceTree or GitHub Desktop.
#How to install package in r from github software
Installation: To get started you need the following software installed on your computer: Git and if you are new to R, then you also need to install R and RStudio. RStudio integrates support for git, hence we are going to use the widely used combination R + Git + RStudio. GitHub is a user-friendly webservice that allows you to store your project repository remotely. install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("username/packagename") (Development of R packages is more advanced in R, but is a well-structured way to keep your projects tidy see: R Packages by Hadley Wickham) And you can install development packages of others with two lines of code.
#How to install package in r from github code
Git allows you to track and share your code and analysis. R in combination with the distributed version control system Git provides a convenient setup to make your research project reproducible. Clone/fork an existing project from GitHub.(The tutorial was originally created on GitHub and hosted here.)
#How to install package in r from github how to
This tutorial in the context of the Reproducible Research Workshop provides you with the first steps on how to use Git with R and RStudio.